All communication with CP Extender will be made using a BaseUrl and in some cases a port. The notation in this will use properties {{BaseUrl}} and {{Port}} to reflect these settings. You will need to retrieve these from the customer before connecting.
A bearer token is required to access most endpoints. Where this is required, it is noted by each end-point. Please obtain your login credentials to retrieve a bearer token from the API.
Permanent Bearer Tokens can be assigned, but not requested during login.
Getting connected:
Throughout this documentation you will find references to Controllers, Methods, and Parameters which will be appended to the BaseUrl and Port using this format.
Required Headers:
All requests are required to have the content-type header set to application/json.
Methods that are marked Bearer for security are required to have the Authorization header as shown below.
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer {{bearer token}}
Controllers List:
Click here to jump to each controller or method.
/Product Detail
/Product Variant Detail
/BalanceCheck (Include History?)
Controller: Connection |
Method: Connection/Status
Security: No Auth
Type: GET
URL: https://{{BaseUrl}}:{{Port}}/Connection/Status
Response: Http Status 200
{ "Status": "Ok", "GlobalDefaults": { "eCommerceControlDefaults": { "StrId": "99", "DrwId": "99" }, "installationSettings": { "UsrId": "Z", "MgGcProductType": "giftvoucher", "CpGcItemNo": "GIFTCARD" } } }
Method: Connection/GetVersion
Security: No Auth
Type: GET
URL: https://{{BaseUrl}}:{{Port}}/Connection/GetVersion
Response: HTTP Status 200
Response Body:
{ "Version": "" }
Controller: SSO |
Method: SSO/Login
Security: No Auth
Type: POST
URL: https://{{BaseUrl}}:{{Port}}/SSO/Login
Request Body:
{ "UserName":"Username", "Password":"pw" }
Response: HTTP Status 200
Response Body:
{ "APItoken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1bmlxdWVfbmFtZSI6IkFsYWJhbWFPdXRkb29ycyIsIm5iZiI6MTU4MjY1NjODI2NTYxMDh9.tn7PsSubicjd_ITmwhRRCGh_vv-jLJQhaopPfluyUjc" }