This section will cover how to activate Gift Card Webhooks in First, the MiSP will need to activate the internal "BigCommerce" webhooks.
1. Navigate to "BigCommerce" subscription.
2. Select "Webhooks(Internal)."
3. Drag "giftcard/created."
4. Drag "giftcard/updated."
Next, MiSP will need to activate the external "BigCommerce" webhooks.
1.Select "webhooks(external)."
2. Drag "store/giftcard/created."
3: Drag "store/giftcard/updated."
First, the MiSP will need to activate the internal "CounterPoint" webhooks.
1. Navigate to "CounterPoint" subscription.
2. Select "Webhooks(Internal)."
3. Drag "giftcard/created".
4. Drag "giftcard/updated.
Next, MiSP will need to activate the external "Counterpoint"webhooks.
1.Select "webhooks(external)".
2. Drag "store/giftcard/created".
3. Drag "store/giftcard/updated".