
Webhooks for Counterpoint is the service that is responsible for queueing updates made in Counterpoint with iPaaS.  


Create the customer company in iPaaS.  Please note which iPaaS deployment the company was created in.

Install CP Hive

System Requirements

  • Counterpoint Version >= 8.5.2
  • IIS 8 or greater
  • .NET 4.7.1


Before installing on the CP server, please gather the following requirements.

iPaaS Webhooks Token Value from iPaaS

Counterpoint SQL Instance Name

Counterpoint DB Name

Counterpoint DB User.  Typically this will be "sa"

Counterpoint DB User Password

1) Download File

Download the CPWebhooks installation files from:

NCR Counterpoint v8.469 - v8.563iPaaS v0 Release 3Installation Files
NCR Counterpoint v8.469 - v8.563iPaaS v0 Release 4Installation Files
NCR Counterpoint v8.469 - v8.563
iPaaS v0 Release 5
Installation Files

2) Deploy Files

Caution: Do not proceed before completing the prerequisites.  

Choose an installation directory and copy the contents of the downloaded file there:
Commonly used path: c:\Program Files\Red Rook\CPWebhooks\

In the installation directory, open the file CPWebHooks.exe.config in a text editor and replace the values surrounded by {} as indicated in the table below.  The xml shown below is to illustrate how the values will appear in the installation files, but should NOT be copied over the file you are editing as the layout of the attributes may be different depending upon version.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="URL" value="{iPaaS URL}" />
    <add key="Token" value="{iPaaS Token} " />
    <add key="PollInterval" value="200" />
    <add key="LogSeverity" value="E" /> <!--E=Error only, W = Warning, D = Detail, V = Verbose -->
    <add key="ServiceName" value="CPWebHooks"/>
    <add key="DisplayName" value="CPWebHooks for iPaaS"/>

        <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" />
    <add name="CounterPoint" connectionString="Persist Security Info=True;User ID={CP Database User};Initial Catalog={CP Database Name};Data Source={CP SQL Server Instance Name};Password={CP Database User Password}" />

Replace the values you collected above and in the web.config text below.

{iPaaS Token}iPaaS Webhooks token
{iPaaS URL}Use the deployment chart below.
{CP SQL Server Instance Name}Counterpoint SQL Instance Name
{CP Database Name}

Counterpoint DB Name

{CP Database User}Counterpoint DB User
{CP Database User Password}

Counterpoint DB User Password.

Use the correct iPaaS URL depending upon which type of deployment you created the customer company in:


3) Create the Windows Service

Navigate to the installation directory and execute the file named InstallCPWebHooks.bat

4) Confirm Successful Implementation

In the windows search bar, enter services.msc and confirm that a new service named "CPWebhooks for iPaaS" is in the running state.

Hosted Environment or Multiple Deployments

It is possible for the CPWebhooks service to be installed multiple times on the same server.  You will need one service installation  for each Counterpoint database that will be connected to iPaaS.

Run all installation steps the same as the first deployment.  For the second deployment, you will need to:

1) install to a different installation directory

2) Change the service name and descriptions values in CPWebHooks.exe.config file before running InstallCPWebHooks.bat


CPWebHooks service shows status "starting" but never completes.Verify that the DB connection string in CPWebHooks.exe.config has the proper settings.  

Verify that CPHive installation was completed properly.  This can occur if the database objects were not applied to the Counterpoint database correctly.

Check to see if the table [USR_C5_QUEUE] exists in the Counterpoint database.