This section cover how to Convert CPHive into application. First, MiSP will need to move the CPhive Folder Structure around to prevent structure conflicts.
1. Navigate and Select "C:" Drive.
2. Navigate and Select "intepub" folder.
3. Navigate and Select "wwwroot" folder.
4. Select "CPHive" folder.
5. Select CPHive folder.
6. Drag the CPHive" folder into "wwwroot".
Now, the file structure should match the example below.
Next, MiSP would need to convert the CPHive folder into an application
1. Search Windows for "IIS".
2. Select "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager".
3. Select and drop-down server.
4. Select and Drop-down "Sites" folder.
5. Select and Drop-down website entry.
6. Right-click "CPHive" folder.
7. Select "Convert to Application".
7. Specify "Application pool as “CPHive" instance.
8. Confirm the physical path points to “CPHive” Folder. (Example Path C:/interpub/wwwroot/CPHive)
9. Click "OK".
CPHive Folder icon should convert in an app icon.