This section will cover how to run Database Installer. First, MiSP will need to point the SQL server to the CP database.
1. Open" Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio".
2. Select "Database Engine" as "Server Type".
3. Type "Server name" from CounterPoint in field.
4. Select "SQL Server Authentication" as auth type.
5. Type SQL user credentials in fields
6. Click connect.
7. Navigate and select CP database name.
8. Make sure CP database name is highlight in blue.
9. Leave "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio" running as user open "File Explorer".
Now, The CPHive installer must execute the SQL server scripts needed to create the 3 tables needed to help the SQL server monitor changes between Counterpoint and The installer will have to use the Deliverator to execute these scripts. In some instances, installer may to execute some scripts manually.
1. Open File Explorer
2. Navigate to wwwroot folder. (example path: Local Disk:C-Interpub-wwwroot)
3. Select "CPHive" Folder.
4. Select "Database Installer" Folder.
5. Right-click "Deliverator"(Application).
6. Select "Run as Administrator".
7. Right click the (…) button next to "CounterPoint Connector String".
8. Select SQL server name in "select or enter a server name".
9. Select "use a specified username or password".
10. Type in SQL user credentials.
11. Select CP database in "Select database in the server" field.
12. click ok.
13. Right click the (…) button next to "Company Alias Folder".
14. Follow the folder path specified in the Top-Level Director Level in CounterPoint.
15. Select the database alias folder specified in CounterPoint.
16. click ok.
17. Click Verify on both "CounterPoint Connector String" and "Company Alias Folder".
18. Click "Install".
19. Click ok on version warning.
20. Write down any errors during install.
Note: If errors prevent install, see CPHive Database Manual Install article before continuing to next step.