This section will cover how to add CP payment methods in The MiSP will need to find the pay-codes from CounterPoint and add them to
1. pay-codes with a Cash type in CounterPoint
1. Select "Data Management" from menu.
2. Select "Payment Methods" from menu.
3. Write down the web order pay-code and BigCommerce payment methods ( Note: CP codes are written in uppercase, BigCommerce methods are written uppercase and lowercase. )
Next, The MiSP will need to update the shipping methods translations in the client's CP subcription.
1. Select "Subscription Management-Subscriptions" from menu.
2. Navigate to "Counterpoint" Subscription.
3. Select "Manage Translations.
4. Navigate to "CP Transaction Payment PAY_COD from iPaaS".
5. Select "Edit".
6. Navigate to "Test Payment Gateway" translation field and select "Edit".
7. Update the "DESTINATION" field to the client's pay-code (Example PAIDONWEB) and "SOURCE" field to M2 pay type if client is using Magento.
8. Click "Save".
9. Navigate to a "CreditCard-" translation field.
10. Select "Edit".
11. Update the "DESTINATION" field to the client's web pay-code (Example:PAIDONWEB) and "SOURCE" field to M2 pay type if client is using Magento.
12. Click "Save".
13. Repeat steps 9-12 for the rest of the "CreditCard-" translations.
14. Click "APPLY".