Standard Flee Syntax Formulas 


+, -Additive|bar100 + a
*, /, %Multiplicative100 * 2 / (3 % 2)
^Power2 ^ 16
-Negation-6 + 10
+Concatenation"abc" + "def"
=Equal ComparisonName = "Test", QTY = 3
<>Not EqualName <> "Test", QTY <> 3
>, <Greater Than, Less ThanQTY > 3
>=, <=Greater Than or Equal To, Less Than or Equal ToQTY >= 3
&&, ||, !Logical And, Or, and Not(1 > 10) && (true || !false)
(statement? iftrue : iffalse)Conditional (If statement)(a > 100? "greater" : "less")
(type)variableCast and conversion(int)100.25
[]Array index1 + arr[i+1]
Booleanliteraltrue AND false
Double and floatliteral 100.25 + 100.25f
IntegerliteralSigned/unsigned 32/64 bit 100 + 100U + 100L + 100LU
Hexliteral0xFF + 0xABCDU + 0x80L + 0xC9LU
\"SyntaxEscape character for quotes, e.g. FirstMatch(Barcodes, "BARCOD_TYP = \"UPC\"")

 Generic Functions


Function CallDescriptionExample
Coalesce(params object[] list)Returns the first non-null elementCoalesce(ADDL_DESCR_2, ADDL_DESCR_1)
CoalesceToDateTime(params object[] list)Returns the first non-null element, converted to a DateTimeCoalesceToDateTime(PROF_DAT_1, PROF_DAT_2)
CoalesceToDecimal(params object[] list)Returns the first non-null element, converted to a DateTimeCoalesceToDecimal(QuantityOnHand, 0)
CoalesceToInt(params object[] list)Returns the first non-null element, converted to a intCoalesceToInt(QuantitySold, 0)
ConvertToDecimal(Object obj)Convert an object to a decimalConvertToDecimal("7.5")
ConvertToDouble(Object obj)Convert an object to a doubleConvertToDouble("7.5")
ConvertToInt(Object obj)Covnert an object to a IntConvertToInt("7")
ConvertToLong(Object obj)Covnert an object to a longConvertToLong(DOC_ID)
CreateTypeFromJSON(string AssemblyName, string Type, string JSON)This will allow you to turn a JSON string into a custom data type. E.g in BC the CustomURL field is actually an object that contains is_customzied and url. You can use this function to create the necessary object and populateCreateTypeFromJSON("BigCommerce.v3.Data", "BigCommerce.v3.DataModels.ProductCustomUrl", "{"Url": "mysite.html", "IsCustomized": true}")
CurrentDateTime()Returns the current DateTime in the local time zoneCurrentDateTime()
CurrentDateTimeOffset()Returns the current DateTimeOffSet in the local time zoneCurrentDateTimeOffset()
DateOnly(<Object > input)Converts the input to a DateTime or DateTimeOffset and then returns only the date portion. There are multiple versions of this procedure with different input types: string, DateTime, and DateTimeOffsetDateOnly(ExpirationDate)
DateTimeOffsetFromLocalDateTime(DateTime localDateTime)Convert a DateTime in the local time zone to a DateTimeOffsetDateTimeOffsetFromLocalDateTime(LST_MAINT_DT)
FieldFromFirstMatch(IEnumerable InputList, string Condition, string FieldName)Return a field from the first item in a given list of objects that matchesFieldFromFirstMatch(Barcodes, "BARCOD_ID = "ITEM"", "BARCOD")
First(IEnumerable InputList)Returns the first object in a collectionFirst(Barcodes)
IntListFromString(Object input)This will allow you to turn a string into a list of integers. This function is useful for fields that take in an array of ints but are coming from a string field (e.g. static mapping or a flat string field such as "[1,2]")IntListFromString("1,2,3")
GetCustomFieldValue(List<DockingBay94.Models.CustomFieldRequest> customFields, string customFieldName)Get the value for the specified Custom Field.GetCustomFieldValue(CustomFields, "USR_ECOMM_META_KEYWORDS")
GetValue(object Source, string FieldName)Returns the value for the specified field or property name from the given object.GetValue(FirstMatch(Barcodes, "BARCOD_ID = "ITEM""), "BARCOD")
IntListFromString(string input)This will allow you to turn a string into a list of integers.IntListFromString("1,2,3")
IsEmpty(object field)Checks to see if the object is empty or nullIsEmpty(ExpirationDate)
IsNull(Object value)Determines if the passed object is null or notIsNull(CustomFields)
JSONToDictionary(Object input)Parse a JSON string and convert it to a string/string dictionaryJSONToDictionary("{"GiftCardId":"" + GiftCardNumber(GiftCertificate) + ""}")
Larger(Object a, Object b)Return the larger of two numeric objects. Flee does not handle nullable types well e.g decimal? > decimal, so this lets us do a simple comparison of two values and keep the largest.Larger(QtyOnHnd,0) would allow us to send the qty on hand, as long as it's non-negative
LocalDateTimeFromDateTimeOffset(Object input)Convert a DateTimeOffset to a DateTime in the local time zoneLocalDateTimeFromDateTimeOffset(ImportedDateTimeOffset)
MaximumDateTime()Returns the maximum DateTime (aka DateTime.MaxValue)MaximumDateTime()
MinimumDateTime()Returns the minimum DateTime (aka DateTime.MinValue)MinimumDateTime()
ReadFromStringDictionary(Object dictionary, Object key)Returns the value for the specified key from a dictionary. If the key does not exist, it returns nullReadFromStringDictionary(LineInfo, "GiftCardId")
RegExMatch(Object input, Object pattern)Determine if the input string matches the given pattern in RegEx.Regex("The dog is running", "^The")
RemovePrefix(string prefix, string value)This function provides a safe way to remove a given prefix. IF the prefix is not present, no changes are made. E.g., if we want to turn BC123 into 123, we can call RemovePrefix("BC", "BC123").RemovePrefix("BC", "BC123")
StringListFromString(object input)This will allow you to turn a string into a list of integers.StringListFromString(GetCustomFieldValue(CustomFields, "Meta Keywords"))
SubstringAfterLastMatch(string Haystack, string Needle)This function returns the portion of a string after the last occurance of a given character. This is useful for parsing sections of compound IDs. E.g. if we have DIR-L78-JWT-6GQSubstringAfterLastMatch("DIR-L78-JWT-6GQ|1", "|")
SumFieldFromCollection(ICollection iList, string fieldName)Sums the given field for all entries in a collectionSumFieldFromCollection(Inventory, "QTY_ON_HND")
SumInventoryForProduct(long ProductId)sums the item quantity available for all locationsSumInventoryForProduct(8917)
SumInventoryForProduct(long ProductId, params string[] Locations)sums the item quantity available for all locationsSumInventoryForProduct(8917, "MAIN", "WAREHOUSE")
SumInventoryForVariant(long VariantId)sums the item quantity available for all locationsSumInventoryForVariant(11917)
SumInventoryForVariant(long VariantId, params string[] Locations)sums the item quantity available for all locationsSumInventoryForProduct(11917, "MAIN", "WAREHOUSE")
Truncate(object Input, int MaxLength)Truncate a string after a given number of characters. If the string is not as long as MaxLenth, no changes are made.Truncate("This is a really long string that I need to shorten", 10)
TypesafeMultiplication(object a, object b)Flee does not handle math operations with nullable fields very well. This function allows for a nullable-safe multiplication. It will also handle unformatted data (e.g. a string * an int).TypesafeMultiplication(PRC_1, QTY_SOLD)
TypesafeDivision(object Numerator, object Denomonator)Flee does not handle math operations with nullable fields very well. This function allows for a nullable-safe division. It will also handle unformatted data (e.g. a string * an int).TypesafeDivision(ALT_1_NUMER, ALT_1_DENOM)
WildcardMatch(Object input, Object pattern)This function is intended to replicate SQL-style likeness comparison. E.g. WildcardMatch("test1234", "%est1%") would return true We accomplish this by replacign the SQL wildcard with a regex wildcard .* (meaning one or more of any character) and passing it to our regex function. Any non-regex friendly input would not be supported. E.g. WildcardMatch("abcdefg", "%[1]%") would return true because of it's regex conversionWildcardMatch("abcdefg", "%[1]%")




BigCommerce-Related Functions


Function CallDescriptionExample
BigCommerceFirstShipmentId(String originalOrderId)This function will take in an order Id and return the first address Id for that order. AddressId is required for a shipment. BC technically supports multiple addresses on an order, but we do not currently support that. So until we do, the first address Id will be adequate.BigCommerceFirstShipmentId(GetExternalId(Parent.OM_Transaction_ParentId, "Transaction", SpaceportSystemId))
BigCommerceInventoryTrackingType(String type, Object variants)Use iPaas item data to determine the tracking type in BigCommerce. This returns one of three values: none (if the Type is "digital" in iPaas), variant (if the item has variants), or product.BigCommerceInventoryTrackingType(Type, Variants)
ConvertBrandNameToBCBrandId(String brandName)Convert a BC brand name to the BC brand IDConvertBrandNameToBCBrandId("Adams")
ConvertTaxClassNameToBCTaxClassId(String taxClassName)Convert a BC tax class name to the BC tax class IDConvertTaxClassNameToBCTaxClassId("Test Tax Class")
CreditCardAuthIsCaptured(String gatewayTransactionId, List`1 transactions_Data)This function will check an authorized transaction and determine if there is a capture for it. Typically we want to filter out auth transactions when there is a subsequent capture.CreditCardAuthIsCaptured(GatewayTransactionId, Parent.Transactions_Data)
CreditCardType(List`1 orderTransactions)This function will return the credit card type, based on the first entry in the Transactions list. The credit card type is located in the OrderTransactions class. This function provides easy access to it. Note that we use the last transaction record to do this. If this order was not paid with a credit card, or we are unable to retrieve the card, we return nullCreditCardType(Parent.Transactions_Data)
CreditCardType(List`1 orderTransactions, String paymentMethod)This function will return the credit card type, based on the first entry in the Transactions list. The credit card type is located in the OrderTransactions class. This function provides easy access to it. Note that we use the last transaction record to do this. If this order was not paid with a credit card, or we are unable to retrieve the card, we return nullCreditCardType(Parent.Transactions_Data)
GiftCardHasActivity(Nullable`1 id)Determines if the gift card has activity in iPaaS. If it does not, we may want to create an activity entry.GiftCardHasActivity(Id)
GiftCardNumber(List`1 orderTransactions)Determine the iPaaS ID of a gift card based on a line item sold.GiftCardNumber(GiftCard_Data)
GiftCardNumber(Nullable`1 gc)Determine the iPaaS ID of a gift card based on a line item sold.GiftCardNumber(GiftCard_Data)
GiftCardNumber(GiftCard gc)Determine the iPaaS ID of a gift card based on a line item sold.GiftCardNumber(GiftCard_Data)
GiftCardSoldCount(List`1 products_Data)Returns the total dollar amount of all gift cards redeemed on an orderGiftCardSoldCount(Products_Data)
GiftCardSoldTotal(List`1 products_Data)Returns the number of order lines that are gift certificates.GiftCardSoldTotal(Products_Data)
LastOrderBillingAddressField(Order lastOrder, String fieldName)Gets a specific field from the last order billing address.LastOrderBillingAddressField(Parent, "Street1")
LastOrderShippingAddressField(Order lastOrder, String fieldName)Gets a specific field from the last order shipping address.LastOrderShippingAddressField(Parent, "Street1")
PaymentMethod(String parentPaymentMethod, String transactionId, List`1 transactions_Data)This function will return one of the standard payment methods created as part of the BigCommerce initialization process. We need to look in several places to do this. Sometimes we will use header data to determine the payment method. Other times we will use the transaction details. This function will output one of the following payment methods: CreditCard-Visa CreditCard-Discover CreditCard-MasterCard CreditCard-AmericanExpress CreditCard ApplePay PayPal GiftCard Other We need to look at several pieces of data to determien this. The TransactionId is passed to let us know which transaction entry we are looking for. Sometimes we will need to look at other transactions for the full information about the current transaction (e.g.CC captures do not include the CC type, so we need to find the auth), so we include the full list as well.PaymentMethod(Parent.PaymentMethod, Id, Parent.Transactions_Data)
ProductSoldCount(List`1 products_Data)Returns the number of order lines that are not gift certificates.ProductCardSoldCount(Products_Data)
ProductSoldTotal(List`1 products_Data)Calculate the total price (based on the PriceExTax field) of all gift card items.ProductSoldTotal(Products_Data)
SkuFromOrderLine(String orderLineSku)Returns only the root sku from an order line's sku. The order line may contain unit or dimension info and this function removes that.SkuFromOrderLine(Sku)
UnitFromSku(String orderLineSku)Returns only the unit from the order line skuUnitFromSku(Sku)

iPaaS-Related Functions


Function CallDescription
CountryCode(String countryName)Returns the two character ISO country code
CountryCodeRequired(String countryName)A version of the above translation that will throw an error if no results are found
CountryCodeWithDefault(String countryName, String defaultCode)A version of the country code translation that will use a default if no results are found
ExternalIdFromStructure(List`1 externalIdResponses, Int64 systemId)Based on the supplied iPaaS externalId collection, return the id for the specified system
GetCustomFieldValue(List`1 customFields, String customFieldName)Get the value of a custom field. Returns null if the custom field does not exist
GetExternalId(Object id, Object tableName, Object systemId)Lookup the external id, based on an iPaaS id
GetExternalIdForGiftCardTicket(Nullable`1 orderId, Int64 systemId)Given an order id and a system id, determine if the order has a gift card ticket associated with it, and if it does what is the external id of it in the specified system
GetGiftCardRedemptionNumber(Dictionary`2 methodInfo)This function will return the gift card number for the gift card redeemed. We need this function to 1.) null check the gift card id on the order, 2) validate the id exists, and 3) convert it into the gift card number
GetPaymentTypeFromMethodName(String paymentMethodName)Determine the payment type, based on the method
GetSpaceportId(Object externalId, Object tableName, Object systemId)Convert the given externalid to an internal iPaaS ID
GiftCardTypeFromMethodInfo(Object methodInfo)Determine the gift card based on the gift card's methodInfo values. This function will look up the gift card based on Method Info's GiftGardId and return the giftcard's type (e.g. Gift Card or Store Credit)
GiftCardLineTotal(List`1 lines)Return the total price of all gift card sold on the given transaction
HasGiftCardSaleLines(List`1 lines)Determine if the specificed transaction lines include a sale of a gift card
iPaaSCustomerFromEmail(String emailAddress)Determine the iPaaS customer id based on the email address specified
IsAuthOnlyDeposit(String transactionNumber, String type, List`1 payments)Determine if this is an authorization only deposit ticket. We do not want to send Auth Only deposit tickets to CP. This is intended to identify those so we can filter them in the header.
IsGiftCardSaleOnlyOrder(String type, List1 lines, List1 payments)Determine if the transaction has gift card sales where the gift card is pending or void
IsGiftCardTicketWithPendingOrVoidLines(String type, List`1 lines)Determine if this transaction has gift card sales, but no uncaptured payments
LocationIdFromName(String location)Determine the location id based on the location's name
OrderHasOpenDepositTicket(Object id, Object spaceportSystemId)Determine if there is an open deposit ticket associated with a given order. We also check to see if that child exists in the external system
QuantityFromLocation(List`1 inventory, String[] locations)Determine the quantity of an item based on a list of location names
QuantityFromLocation(List`1 inventory, Int64[] locations)Determine the quantity of an item based on a list of location names
StateAbbreviation(String state)Convert the input to a state abbreviation. This supports all of the states and territories of the US and Canada.
StateName(String state)Convert the input into the long form state name (e.g. convert GA to Georiga)
SumFullInventoryForProduct(Int64 productId)Returns a sum of all inventory for a product. Inventories with negative values WILL be included in the sum.
SumFullInventoryForProduct(Int64 productId, Int64[] locationIds)Returns a sum of all inventory for a product. Inventories with negative values WILL be included in the sum.
SumFullInventoryForProduct(Int64 productId, String[] locations)Returns a sum of all inventory for a product. Inventories with negative values WILL be included in the sum.
SumFullInventoryForVariant(Int64 variantId, Int64[] locations)Returns a sum of all inventory for a variant in the locations specified. Inventories with negative values WILL be included in the sum.
SumFullInventoryForVariant(Int64 variantId)Returns a sum of all inventory for a variant in the locations specified. Inventories with negative values WILL be included in the sum.
SumFullInventoryForVariant(Int64 variantId, String[] locations)Returns a sum of all inventory for a variant in the locations specified. Inventories with negative values WILL be included in the sum.
SumInventoryForProduct(Int64 productId)Returns a sum of all inventory for a product. Inventories with negative values will NOT be included in the sum.
SumInventoryForProduct(Int64 productId, Int64[] locationIds)Returns a sum of all inventory for a product. Inventories with negative values will NOT be included in the sum.
SumInventoryForProduct(Int64 productId, String[] locations)Returns a sum of all inventory for a product. Inventories with negative values will NOT be included in the sum.
SumInventoryForVariant(Int64 variantId)Returns a sum of all inventory for a variant. Inventories with negative values will NOT be included in the sum.
SumInventoryForVariant(Int64 variantId, Int64[] locations)Returns a sum of all inventory for a variant. Inventories with negative values will NOT be included in the sum.
SumInventoryForVariant(Int64 variantId, String[] locations)Returns a sum of all inventory for a variant. Inventories with negative values will NOT be included in the sum.

CPHive-Related Functions


Function CallDescriptionExample
AverageCostFromSettings(List`1 inventories)Uses your settings values for Stocking Location to determine the item costAverageCostFromSettings(Inventory)
AverageCostFromSettings(String ITEM_NO)Uses your settings values for Stocking Location to determine the item costAverageCostFromSettings(Inventory)
ConvertCategoriesToSpaceportIds(List`1 categories)Convert CP Categories to iPaaS category Ids. This only applies to CP's ecommerce categories.ConvertCategoriesToSpaceportIds(Categories)
ConvertCPBool(Object input)Convert a Counterpoint T_BOOL Representation to a bool. A value of N will be converted to false. Everything else will be converted to true.ConvertCPBool(IS_TAXBL)
ConvertCustomerCategoriesToiPaaSIdList(String[] CATEG_CODs)Convert customer category (or categories) to a list of iPaaS customer category assignments. Normal usage would be to convert the CP CATEG_COD with a call like this: ConvertCustomerCategoriesToiPaaSIdList(CATEG_COD) but it accepts a list of category names, so you could supply custom category fields, such as ConvertCustomerCategoriesToiPaaSIdList(CATEG_COD, USR_MEMBER_LEVEL_1)ConvertCustomerCategoriesToiPaaSIdList(CATEG_COD)
CreateGridDimSortOrderJSON(String ITEM_NO, String GRID_DIM_1_TAG,String GRID_DIM_2_TAG, String GRID_DIM_3_TAG)This function has been depricated. It was provided to allow variant option functionality before that was available through mappings
CustomerFromEmail(String emailAddress)Return the customer number that has the given e-mail address. If there are multiple customers with that address, any customer flagged as an ECommerce customer will be given preference.CustomerFromEmail("[email protected]")
CustomerFromField(String matchValue, String fieldName)Return the customer number that has the given e-mail address in the field specified. If there are multiple customers with that address, any customer flagged as an ECommerce customer will be given preference.CustomerFromEmail("[email protected]", "EMAIL_ADRS_2")
DocumentSpacePortIdFromDocId(Nullable`1 DOC_ID)This function will turn a DOC_ID into a Spaceport Id for the transaction. The external id stored for a document in spaceport is the DOC_GUID, but we do not have access to the original document's DOC_GUID from a release ticket. This function allows us to bridge that gap.DocumentSpacePortIdFromDocId(ORIG_ORD_DOC_ID)
EcommerceCategoryRoot(String CATEG_ID, String PARENT_ID)Determine the root category of a given category id. This is useful for filtering which categories are uploaded to iPaaS. For example, you may have separate root categories for each boutique website you own. This function will allow you to easily filter your e-commerce category mapping to just the categories of a certain root.EcommerceCategoryRoot(CATEG_ID, PARENT_ID)
GetCustomField_CPHive(Object inputObject, String propertyName)Return custom field value. If the custom field does not exist, null is returned.GetCustomField_CPHive(GridDimension1.CustomFields, "MyCustomField")
GridDimFromSku(String sku, Int32 dimPosition)Determine the grid dimension in the specified position. If the specified position does not exist, * will be returned. For example, this sku ITEM|Dim1|Dim2|Dim3, with the dimPosition 1 would return Dim1GridDimFromSku(Sku, 1)
InventoryStockingLocation(List`1 inventories)Returns the ItemInventory for the stocking location (from your system settings) from a list of all inventory records for an itemInventoryStockingLocation(Inventory).QTY_ON_HND
ItemNumberFromSku(String sku)Parse just the Item # portion of a Sku, if it is stored in the standard iPaaS format. E.g. SHIRT|BLUE|RED^3PAK will be parsed to SHIRTItemNumberFromSku("SHIRT|BLUE|RED^3PAK")
LineSpacePortIdFromDocId(Nullable1 ORIG_ORD_DOC_ID, Nullable1 LINK_LIN_GUIDSince we do not have an external id lookup for line items, this function allows us to translation an DOC_ID and LIN_GUID to a Spaceport Transaction Line Id. This is useful when linking a release ticket to its original order line.LineSpacePortIdFromDocId(Parent.ORIG_ORD_DOC_ID, LINK_LIN_DOC_GUID)
LocationInGroup(Object locationId, Object groupId)Determine if the specified location is in the specified location group.LocationInGroup("EAST","ALL")
QuantityFromSettings(Object inventories)Uses your settings values for Location Method to determine the item quantityQuantityFromSettings(Inventory)
QuantityFromSettings(Object inventories, String IM_INV_Field)Uses your settings values for Location Method to determine the item quantityQuantityFromSettings(Inventory)
QuantityFromSettings(List`1 inventories)Uses your settings values for Location Method to determine the item quantityQuantityFromSettings(Inventory)
TaxAmountAvalaraSupport(Object taxes, Boolean isOriginalAmt)Calculate taxes when Avalara has been used during the ecommerce portion of the order processing.TaxAmountAvalaraSupport(Parent.Taxes, false)
UnitFlagFromName(String ITEM_NO, String UNIT_NAME)Determine the unit flag, given the unit nameUnitFlagFromName(ITEM_NO, UNIT)
UnitNameFromFlag(String ITEM_NO, String UNIT_FLG)Determine the name of a unit, given the unit flagUnitNameFromFlag(ITEM_NO, UNIT)
ValueFromLookupTable(Object sourceValue, String lookupTableName, String lookupFieldName, String returnFieldName)This function will return a specified field from a lookup table. E.g. we might want to get Vendor Name based on the ITEM_VEND_NO. In that case, we would set the formula as ValueFromLookupTable(ITEM_VEND_NO, "PO_VEND", "VEND_NO", "NAM")ValueFromLookupTable(ITEM_VEND_NO, "PO_VEND", "VEND_NO", "NAM")
Status(Object STAT, Object QTY_COMMIT, Object ECOMM_THRESHOLD)Given the CP Item Status, current quantity, and ecommerce threshold, this returns the C5 status (Inactive, Discontinued, Out of Stock, or Active)Status(STAT, QTY_ON_HND, USR_ECOMM_THRESHOLD

Magento-Related Functions


Function CallDescription
CleanProductAttributeCode(String attributeCode)Convert a product attribute code into a format that is acceptable to Magento. This includes the following changes: -convert the code to lower case -remove any character that is not alphanumeric or an underscore
CleanUrlKey(String url_key)Convert the input into an acceptable url key. This function replaces all of the following characters with a dash: underscore(_), space( ), forward slash(/) and back slash() It also converts the input to lowercase.
ConvertCategoriesToMagentoIds(Object categories)Convert a list of iPaas categories (in CategoryAssignmentResponse format) into magento category ids. Category conversion is based on external id lookups
GiftCardSoldCount(List`1 products_Data)Determine the total count of all gift cards sold on an order
GiftCardSoldTotal(List`1 products_Data)Determine the total amount of all gift cards sold on an order
iPaaSGiftCardId(String gcnumber)Convert the input giftcard number into the iPaaS internal gift card id
ProductSoldCount(List`1 products_Data)Determine the total count of all products (excluding gift cards) sold on an order
ProductSoldTotal(List`1 products_Data)Determine the total amount of all products (excluding gift cards) sold on an order
RequiresDepositTicket(SalesDataOrderInterface order)Determines if a deposit is required. This returns true for the following conditions: -TotalInvoiced is not empty -A giftcard or rewardsredeption payment exists
RequiresGiftCardTicket(SalesDataOrderInterface order)Determine if an order requires a giftcard ticket. This returns true if there are any giftvoucher items purchased on the order.
SkuFromOrderLine(String sku)Remove the unit portion of any sku that is in the standard iPaaS sku format (e.g. COKE^12PAK becomes just COKE)
ToTitleCase(String input)Convert the input string into TitleCase
UnitFromSku(String sku)Remove the unit portion of any sku that is in the standard iPaaS sku format (e.g. COKE^12PAK becomes just 12PAK)