This section will cover how to add how to add Misc. BigCommerce Payment Methods.  iPaaS has mapping collections for credit-card gateways, or Paypal. If you are using other methods like FAST or Google Pay, there is additional configuration.

BC order payment method Description

First , You need filter out the method in the credit card deposit and order collections.

1. Select "Subscription Management-Subscriptions" from menu.

2. Navigate to "BigCommerce" Subscription.

3. Select "Manage Mappings".

4. Select the + button next to " Transaction-BC Order Header to or BC Deposit Ticket to

5. Navigate to "BC CreditCard/ApplePay To iPaaS"

6. Select "Edit" button

7. Modify filter to exclude payment method (Example : !(Parent.PaymentMethod "IG Checkout").

8. Click Apply

9. Repeat the same steps for the other collection

Next, you need create deposit and order mapping collections for the new method.

1. Select the + button next to " Transaction-BC Order Header to or BC Deposit Ticket to
2. Navigate to a Payment collection and select clone.

3. Navigate to cloned collection and select edit.
4. Modify the collection name to the name of the method (Example IG Checkout).
5. Modify Sync Type to "Add/Update".
6. Modify Parent to "Deposit Ticket or Order Header".
7. Modify filter to include payment method( Example : SourceTypeName  ==  "ParentOnly" && Parent.PaymentMethod  ==  "IG Checkout").
8. Select apply.

9. Select the + button next to " Transaction-BC Order Header to or BC Deposit Ticket to
10. Navigate to cloned collection and select edit.
11 Navigate to "Method " and select edit.
12. Change type to static.
13. Modify the "Source" box to include the payment method (Example IG Checkout).
14. Select "Save".
15. Select Apply.

16. Repeat the same steps for the other collection.